Similar words: action, faction, fraction, reaction, attraction, take action, refraction, practitioner.
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3. My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action.
4. I had been in action bombarding the Normandy coast.
5. Is your machine still in action?
6. The election demonstrates democracy in action.
7. 13 soldiers were killed and 10 wounded in action.
8. Many sodiers of both sides were killed in action.
9. Many soldiers were listed as missing in action.
10. His intention took shape in action.
11. I have not yet seen the machines in action.
12. Wounded in action, he was twice mentioned in dispatches.
13. He was reported missing in action.
14. I've yet to see all the players in action.
15. Her younger son was killed in action.
16. 530 servicemen were reported missing in action .
17. He was listed as missing in action.
18. His father was killed in action in Vietnam.
19. I'd like see the new computer system in action.
20. Tonight PBS will air a documentary called "Democracy In Action".
21. Gibson became famous in action movies, but he has also played some more serious roles.
22. To help themselves learn, they filmed other swimmers in action.
23. You're listening to Science in Action, brought to you by the BBC World Service.
24. Their plan has been in action for a year now.
25. Politics or political behaviour is power in action.
26. I say that justice is truth in action. Benjamin Disraeli ![](/images/enter.jpg)
27. He was sent on over 200 missions before being killed in action.
28. I've heard she's a marvellous player but I've never seen her in action.
29. Just press the button to see your favourite character in action.
30. Quite a few women went to war ,( action.html) and quite a few were killed in action.
More similar words: action, faction, fraction, reaction, attraction, take action, refraction, practitioner, benefaction, diffraction, interaction, transaction, stupefaction, satisfaction, in all directions, affirmative action, factors of production, political action committee, factious, fractious, factitious, section, diction, fiction, auction, unction, junction, eviction, reduction, sanction.